
Sunday, August 29, 2010

'Spiderman' Held After Scaling Skyscraper

A skyscraper climber known as "Spiderman" has been arrested after scaling a 57-storey building in Australia with his bare hands.

Alain Robert, known for climbing some of the world's tallest buildings without ropes or equipment, was held at the top of the Lumiere building in Sydney.

The 48-year-old Frenchman climbed the building in 20 minutes, as dozens of people watched from the streets below.

"I'm sad he's been arrested, but hopefully he'll get out soon and we can have some champagne," said his agent Max Markson.

Last year, Mr Robert was fined 750 Australian dollars (£430) for climbing the 41-storey Royal Bank of Scotland building in Sydney.

Many of his previous climbs have resulted in arrests and fines.

He has climbed more than 70 skyscrapers around the world, including the Empire State Building and the Sears Tower.

Source: http://news.sky.com/

‘Sinner’ singer given 39 lashes by rabbis

 A singer who performed in front of a “mixed audience” of men and women was lashed 39 times to make him “repent,” after a ruling by a self-described rabbinic court on Wednesday.

Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak, founder of the Shofar organization aimed at bringing Jews “back to religion” (hazara betshuva), has made it his recent mission to fight against musical performances for both men and women.

His “judicial panel,” with Rabbi Ben Zion Mutsafi and another member, sentenced Erez Yechiel to 39 lashes in order to “rid him of his sins.”

In a video clip of the court posted on the Shofar Web site, Ben Zion said that those who make others sin (mahtiei rabim), such as artists who make men and women attend performances or dance together, have no place in the world to come.

He displayed a leather strip he said was made by his father from ass and bull skin, with which Yechiel was to have been whipped.

Yechiel, who said, “I accept upon myself the lashing for my sins,” was ordered to stand by a wooden poll with his head facing north (“from whence the evil inclination comes”), his hands tied with a azure-colored rope (“a symbol of mercy”), and served his “sentence.”

Source: http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=186154

Saturday, August 28, 2010

زن فقیری که مجسمه اش در میدان شهر نصب است !

فرنگیس اکنون 48 سال دارد و با مرگ شوهرش به سختی مخارج خود و خانواده‌اش را تأمین می‌کند. او همچنان در خطه‌ای زندگی می‌کند که ده‌ها میلیون خرج مجسمه‌اش شده، در حالی که حیدرپور با فقر و نداری کودکانش را بزرگ می‌کند.

شاید آدم های زیادی فرنگیس حیدرپور را نشناسند و برایشان دانستن در مورد یک اسم هم اهمیتی نداشته باشد، اما همه آنهایی که سفری به کرمانشاه داشته اند، و مجسمه زن تبر به دست را که در یکی از میادین این شهر قرار گرفته، دیده باشند حتما برایشان جالب است که بدانند سرگذشت این زن چیست؟

فرنگیس حیدرپور متولد سال 41 از یکی از روستاهای گیلانغربی است که در جریان جنگ تحمیلی با رشادت و شجاعت خود حماسه ای را آفرید که بر اثر آن به شیرزن ایران شهرت یافت.

ماجرای فرنگیس به روزهای آشفته‌حالی دختر جوانی برمی‌گردد که هنوز رخت عزای برادر شهیدش را به تن داشت که خبر شهادت اعضای خانواده اش را در حادثه اصابت گلوله توپ دشمن به اتومبیل حامل‌شان می‌شنود.

فرنگیس حیدرپور در این مورد می گوید: «سال ۵۹ بود و من ۱۸سال داشتم که آنها به روستای ما حمله کردند و ما خیلی شهید دادیم، مردم مجبور شدند فرار کنند و در دره مخفی شوند. در این جریان از اعضای خانواده من هشت نفر (برادر، دایی، عمو، پسردایی، دختر دایی، دختر عمو و ...) شهید شدند.»

حیدرپور به همراه پدر به مراسم ختم شهدا می رفتند و در بازگشت به روستای زادگاهش (اوازین) – از توابع گیلانغرب – متوجه می‌شود برخی از نیروهای عراقی وارد روستا شده‌اند.

حیدرپور در خصوص حادثه آن روز اظهار می‌دارد: «همان روز که به دره رفتیم، نزدیکی‌‌های غروب بود که تشنه و گرسنه شدیم؛ من با پدر و برادرم به روستا آمدیم تا غذا بیاوریم. آخر چیزی پیدا نمی‌شد. نزدیک رودخانه دو سربازی آمدند که آب بر داردند؛ ما از دست آنها خشمگین بودیم و به آنها حمله کردیم؛ من تبر به دست به سمت آنها حمله ور شدم که یکی از آنها کشته و دیگری تسلیم شد .»

آن روز فرنگیس حیدرپور یکی از دو سرباز کاملاً مسلح عراقی را هلاک می‌کند و با زخمی کردن نفر دوم او را به اسارت درمی‌‌آورد.

وی ادامه می‌دهد:« ۱۸ ماه آواره بودیم که عراقی‌ها عقب نشینی کردند، مردم دوباره به روستاهای خودشان برگشتند.»

این شیرزن مبارز، بعد از گذشت سالها از جریان جنگ تحمیلی هنوز هم دست از روحیه مبارزه طلبی خود برنداشته و در گفتگویی که با خبرنگار فارس داشته در مورد جنایات رژیم صهیونیستی می گوید: با ديدن جنايات صهيونيست‌ها در غزه آرزو مي‌كنم كاش در غزه بودم تا بار ديگر براي اسلام مبارزه كنم و اگر به من اجازه دهند، حاضرم به غزه بروم.

حیدرپور در مصاحبه دیگری که خبرنگاران دفاع مقدس از او می کنند در تعریف معنای ایثار می گوید: ايثار يعني انسان در راه آرمان ميهنش يا خانواده اش شجاعتي نشان دهد حتي اگر از بين رود.

حیدرپور سبب پيروزي در دوران دفاع مقدس را پيروي از امام(ره) و ولايت می داند و خطاب به دشمنان اسلام و ایران می گوید: دشمنان بدانند ما با اطاعت از رهبري معظم انقلاب، هرگاه لازم باشد براي دفاع از اسلام و كشور اسلامي‌مان جان خود را فدا مي‌كنيم.

این زن غیور مبارز خطاب به زنان و جوانان جامعه می گوید: از خواهرانم مي‌خواهم با حجاب خود پاسدار خون شهيدان باشند و جوانان اين آمادگي را داشته باشند كه اگر خداي ناكرده به خاك كشورشان حمله شد با غيرت دفاع كنند.

فرنگیس اکنون 48 سال دارد و با مرگ شوهرش به سختی مخارج خود و خانواده‌اش را تأمین می‌کند. او همچنان در خطه‌ای زندگی می‌کند که ده‌ها میلیون خرج مجسمه‌اش شده، در حالی که حیدرپور با فقر و نداری کودکانش را بزرگ می‌کند.

کسی چه می‌داند، شاید همین کودکان محروم فرنگیس باشند که فردا روز در صف اول مبارزه با دشمنان انقلاب و کشور قرار گیرند اما خدا کند سهم آنها از این قهرمانی یک مجسمه و سال‌ها فراموشی نباشد.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stunning Pictures From The Vietnam War

Stunning Pictures From The Vietnam War

Saigon, June 11, 1963 Buddhist monk Quang Duc burned himself in protest against the persecution of Buddhists by the Government of South Vietnam. (AP Photo/Malcolm Browne)

 January 9, 1964 a soldier of the Army of South Vietnam stabs a farmer, assuming that he was lying on the movements of the Viet Cong - North Vietnamese soldiers. (AP Photo/Horst Faas)

March 1964. A Vietnamese man with a the body of his dead child asks for help from rather disinterested South Vietnamese soldiers

Hovering U.S. Army helicopters pour machine gun fire into a tree line to cover the advance of South Vietnamese ground troops in an attack on a Viet Cong camp 18 miles north of Tay Ninh, northwest of Saigon near the Cambodian border, in Vietnam on March 1965. (AP Photo/Horst Faas)


The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was the two naval skirmishes between North Vietnam’s torpedo boats and the United States Navy destroyers. It took place in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin on August 2 and August 4, 1964. On August 2, 1964, while conducting intelligence-collecting operations in hostile waters off the coast of North Vietnam, the US destroyer USS Maddox was attacked by three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron.

As the North Vietnamese boats approached, shooting 50mm shells as they bore down on the USS Maddox, the Amercian crew fired three warning shots, but the torpedo boats continued to advance. The Maddox then opened fire on the approaching boats with torpedoes being fired by both the North Vietnamese and the US ships. As the North Vietnamese boats were heavily damaged, they returned to shore. Only one shell had hit the US destroyer.

On August 4, 1964, two US destroyers were again attacked in the middle of the Gulf of Tonkin. Radar images on the C Turner Joy indicated that they were being approached by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. Both the Maddox and the C Turner Joy fired repeatedly into the stormy night. Later that day the commander of the ships said that he was not certain of this second torpedos attack, but the next day he told Secretary of Defence Robert S McNamara that he was definitely sure that they had been attacked.

When he was notified of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, President Lyndon B Johnson decided that he needed the support of Congress in order to act. On August 4, he had lunch with the National Security Council to discuss the situation in Vietnam. He was given approval for a proposed air strike, which was carried out the next day. The President announced the action on television as strategic North Vietnamese targets were destroyed including a petroleum storage unit in the town of Vinh.

The outcome of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was the passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted President Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by communist aggression. Congress passed the resolution with the understanding that it would be consulted if the war escalated and particularly if ground troops were to be used in South Vietnam.

A BOMB BLAST: March 30, 1965. The scene immediately after a bomb attack on the American embassy in Saigon. Many Vietnamese and two Americans died.

An unknown American soldier

September 25, 1965. A raid to find Viet Cong in the jungle area Ben Cat, South Vietnam. (AP Photo/Henri Huet)

 November 27, 1965 A Vietnamese orderly  covers his nose, so as not to feel the stench, as he passes  bodies of American and Vietnamese soldiers killed in battle with the Vietcong in the Michelin rubber plantation, about 45 miles northeast of Saigon

 January 1, 1966 Women and children hide in a ditch to save themselves from the intense bombardment by the Viet Cong, at Bao Trai, about 20 miles west of Saigon. (AP Photo/Horst Faas)

  July 15, 1966 An American  CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter, downed by enemy ground forces during Operation Hastings south of the demilitarized zone between North and South Vietnam, The helicopter crashed and exploded on a hill, killing one crew member and 12 Marines. Three crew members escaped with severe burns,. (AP Photo/Horst Faas)

 A young Marine private waits on the beach during the Marine landing, Da Nang, Vietnam, August 3, 1965.

 A napalm strike erupts in a fireball near U.S. troops on patrol in South Vietnam in 1966 during the Vietnam War. (AP Photo)

 June 15, 1967 American soldiers peer out of the trench to evade Viet Cong snipers during fighting in the north-east of Saigon. (AP Photo/Henri Huet)

 1966. Near the Cambodian border. A dead American soldier is lifted onto a helicopter hovering above

June 1967. Medic James Callahan tries desperately to save a badly injured soldier during a battle north of Saigon.

1966 U.S. Army helicopters supporting ground forces, at a base fifty miles north-east of Saigon. (AP Photo/Henri Huet)

 Jan. 23, 1967 A terrified VC prisoner awaiting interrogation unit of special forces A-109 Thuong Duc, 25 kilometers west from Da Nang, Vietnam. (AFP PHOTO/National Archives)

 A marine helps his wounded comrade to cover despite North Vietnamese fire during battle on May 15, 1967

BEFORE: South Vietnamese forces escort suspected Viet Cong officer Nguyen Van Lem (also known as Bay Lop) on a Saigon street Feb. 1, 1968, early in the Tet Offensive. (AP Photo/Eddie Adams

 DURING: 1 February 1968 the national police chief of South Vietnam, General Nguyen Ngoc Loan shooting  the enemy suspect in the head


The majority of Vietnam veterans think that overly negative television coverage helped turn the American public against the war and against the American troops deployed in Vietnam. The media is called the fourth estate for its capacity to form opinions, that is to say the power to shape patterns of thinking, feeling and reacting before certain circumstances, events and famous people.

Negative Impact of Media On The Vietnam War Outcome

Even trained military personnel sometimes have difficulties in withstanding the horrors of war. During the Vietnam War it was the first time that the horrors of an armed conflict entered the living rooms of Americans. For almost a decade in between school, work, and dinners, the American public could watch villages being destroyed, Vietnamese children burning to death, and American body bags being sent home. At the beginning the media coverage generally supported U.S involvement in the war, but television news dramatically changed its frame of the war after the Tet Offensive. Images of the U.S led massacre at My Lai dominated the television, yet the daily atrocities committed by North Vietnam and the Viet Cong rarely made the evening news. Thus, the anti-war movement at home gained increasing media attention while the U.S soldier was forgotten in Vietnam.

Coverage of the war and its resulting impact on public opinion has been debated for decades by many intelligent media scholars and journalists, yet they are not the most qualified individuals to do so: the veterans are. Journalists based in Saigon daily reported facts about battles, casualties, and the morale of the troops, yet only a soldier could grasp the true reality of war. The media distortions, due to television’s misrepresentations during the Vietnam War, led to the American defeat, not on the battlefield but on the political and social arena. 

AFTER: The victim falls dead on the ground and police chief calmly puts the gun back

June 8, 1972 bombs with a mixture of napalm and white phosphorous dropped dropped by South Vietnamese Skyraider bombers , explode in a village not far from the Cao Dai temple in the outskirts of Trang Bang.  In the foreground are Vietnamese soldiers and correspondents of several international news agencies.

Terrified burnt children run away from the scene

The South Vietnamese soldiers tend to the children

November 20, 1972 Unaware of the impending enemy attack a photographer captures an image of a South Vietnamese infantryman in the Hai Van, south of Hue. While the camera followed the explosion,  the soldier had no time to react.

 March 1975. A Vietnamese woman is evacuated from an area 235 miles north east of Saigon moments before the NVA/Viet Cong overran it

South Vietnamese marines line beaches and swim out to ships, fleeing from the northern port city of Da Nang on March 29, 1975 before its fall to the Viet Cong and north Vietnamese. This picture was taken as some marines successfully fled, abandoning scores of weapons, vehicles and even a helicopter. In the foreground, men on LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) prepare to throw rope to marines coming up on inner tubes. Only a fraction of the city's 100,000 defenders were evacuated before its fall. (AP Photo)

 North Vietnamese troops run across the tarmac of Tan Son Nhat air base in Saigon as smoke billows behind abandoned U.S. Air Force transport planes April 30, 1975. The taking of Saigon marked the fall of the U.S.-backed south and the end to a decade of fighting. (Vietnam News Agency/REUTERS)

April 29, 1975 Vietnamese people  trying to climb over the wall of the American Embassy in Saigon, hoping to get onto a helicopter, as the last Americans leave Vietnam. (AP Photo/Neal Ulevich)

 April 29, 1975 Staff of USS Blue Ridge push a helicopter from the deck of a ship at sea, to free up space for evacuation flights from Saigon.

 April 29, 1975 A Vietnamese woman with her three children sitting on the deck of an American amphibious assault ship during the evacuation from Saigon. (AP Photo)

 VICTORY FOR THE NVA: April 30, 1975. As the Americans left a North Vietnamese tank breaks through the gate of the presidential palace in Saigon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Man who slashed Muslim charged with hate crimes

A boozed-up bigot who just returned from filming U.S. Marines in Afghanistan used a pocket knife to slash a cabbie - just because the driver was Muslim, police said Wednesday.

Michael Enright, 21, of upstate Brewster, was charged with felony attempted murder as a hate crime - among other crimes - after the sick attack on Ahmed Sharif, 43, Tuesday night.

Enright slashed Sharif across the face, arm and hand after asking the Bangladesh-born cabbie if he was Muslim and then saying 'As-salaam alaikum' - which means 'peace be unto you' in Arabic, cops said.

The suspect also yelled, "Consider this a checkpoint" - an apparent reference to security screening in Afghanistan - as he wildly thrust his knife through the open glass partition at Sharif, said Manhattan Assistant District Attorney James Zaleta.

"The EMT on the scene said if the cut had been any longer or deeper he [Sharif] would have been dead on the scene," Zaleta said at Enright's arraignment Wednesday.

Zaleta said Sharif was "sliced from his mid-neck half way up his cheek."

"This ... was a highly vicious attack on an innocent person based on his religion," Zaleta said in court.

Mayor Bloomberg, who spoke to Sharif and invited him to City Hall Friday, said the unprovoked attack was clearly "motivated by anti-Muslim bias."

"I assured him that ethnic or religious bias has no place in our city," Bloomberg said of his conversation with Sharif.

"This attack runs counter to everything that New Yorkers believe, no matter what God we pray to."

Enright was arraigned on charges of second-degree attempted murder as a hate crime and first-degree assault as a hate crime. He was also charged with criminal possession of a weapon and ordered held without bail. He faces 8 to 25 years in prison if convicted.

In an odd twist, Enright was a volunteer for Intersections International, a Manhattan-based group that promotes peace among different religions. A spokesman confirmed he was filming for the group, which recently threw its support behind the controversial Park 51 mosque project near Ground Zero.

Sharif said he believes the vicious attack may have been rooted in the anti-Muslim fervor that has been inflamed by the mosque debate.

"I feel very sad," Sharif said, according to a statement released by the Taxi Workers Alliance.

"I never feel this hopeless and insecure before," added the Queens father of four who has been in the United States for 25 years. "Right now, the public sentiment is very serious (because of the Ground Zero mosque debate). All [taxi] drivers should be more careful."

Enright was "very, very intoxicated" when he hailed Sharif's yellow cab at Second Ave. and E. 24th St. shortly after 6 p.m. Tuesday, a police source said.

Enright, who asked to be taken to 43rd St. and Third Ave., was friendly when he first got into the cab, asking Sharif where he was from, how long had he been in America and inquiring about his religion.

"As the cab was proceeding, the passenger asked, 'Are you Muslim?' and the driver said that he was,'" Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters.

After his initial flurry of questions, Enright grew silent for several minutes before suddenly attacking the unsuspecting Sharif.

Sharif fought back and then stopped the cab at 43rd St. and Third Ave. - a bad break for Enright, because that's where an NYPD cop was stationed, Kelly said.

"[Sharif] locked the vehicle, trapping the suspect in the back of the car," Kelly said. "Enright climbed out of the window - and that's when the officer saw him on the street."

After the officer collared the unhinged filmmaker, he was arrested and shipped off to Bellevue Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, police said.

Source: nydailynews

Wearable magazine celebrates world's most famous drum loop

T-post releases t-shirt Issue 57 'Make or Amen Break It', a graphic t-shirt designed to inspire impromptu air drum performances everywhere...

An original song using the famous drum loop and a music video featuring dueling drummers demonstrate just how easy it is.
Let's say you were a in a band over 40 years ago. And at the peak of your musical career, in 1969 to be exact, you put out a chart-topping single—one that earned a prestigious Grammy Award.
Decades later, a 6-second drum break featured on the B-side of that hit was sampled and used in thousands of popular hip-hop, pop, drum and bass, and jungle tracks, without your permission. And let's say, despite your signature drumbeat becoming a part of the pop culture soundscape, you received zero credit or royalties. 

This is the true story of The Winstons, a 60s funk and soul band that could be responsible for creating the most sampled record of all time.
Midway through the aforementioned B-side entitled “Amen, Brother” there is a drum solo performed by G.C. Coleman.
It is this 6-second drum break, now known as “The Amen Break”, that is responsible for giving birth to numerous hits and entire music subcultures.

Inspired by Nate Harrison's audio installation 'Can I Get An Amen' featured on YouTube, T-post decided to pay tribute to the famous drum break by creating an original track and music video using the Amen Break, as well as a graphic T-shirt that features a playable drum set. Air drummers unite!

Watch Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wS583-5pqU

About T-post

T-post works a lot like a magazine subscription. Every five weeks, subscribers from over 50 countries receive a new issue/t-shirt in the mail.
The offbeat news story is printed on the inside back of the shirt. And a graphic artist’s interpretation of that news story is printed on the front.
For subscribers, the comment “Nice shirt” now becomes an invitation to tell the story behind the design and create dialogue about an interesting world event.

More than just an innovative social brand, T-post is also an environmentally conscience one. To reduce waste, T-post is only sold online to subscribers using the principles of on-demand manufacturing, i.e. making only what consumer's want.
Additionally, shirts are sweatshop-free, often organic, and printed with eco-certified inks.

U.S. Strategy to Control The World By Controlling The Internet

In May 2009, Microsoft announced on its website that they would turn off the Windows Live Messenger service for Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan and North Korea, in accordance with US legislation.

In January 2010, Google, the company which owns the largest Internet information resources, declared that in order to establish a more open Internet environment, they had to abandon the Chinese market.

What is even more worrying is that Senator Joseph Lieberman, chairman of US Homeland Security Committee, recently presented to the US Senate a bill titled "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset."

To control the world by controlling the Internet has been a dominant strategy of the US.

From the network infrastructure protection of the Clinton era to the network anti-terrorism of the Bush era and to the "network deterrence" of the Obama era, the national information security strategy of the US has evolved from a preventative strategy to a preemptive one.

Meanwhile, the methodology has moved from trying to control Internet hardware to control of Internet content.

The ultimate goal is for the US to hold the ability to open and shut parts of the Internet at will.

In 1993, the Clinton administration proposed to build up "the national information infrastructure" and listed six possible enemies who might attack US key network infrastructure, including sovereign states, economic competitors, as well as all kinds of criminals, hackers, terrorists and insiders. It was a defensive strategy.

After the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration officially upgraded Internet security to the strategic height of national security.
Anti-terrorism was the theme of Internet security during the Bush era.
In 2004, the US cut off the ".ly" domain name by using the root server, resulting in Libya's disappearance in Internet for three days. It generated worldwide criticism of the US hegemony on the Internet and concerns over Internet security.

In 2009, according to the network security assessment announced by Obama, the threat to the Internet had become one of the most serious economic and military threats that the US was confronted with.
Obama made two important decisions.

The first was to cut conventional weapons, including the F22 fighters, while the second was to build up network commands and substantially increase investment in network offensive weapons.

So far the network security strategy of the Obama administration has been "focusing on attack and assisting with deterrence."

At present, the five core areas of Internet infrastructure are monopolized by US IT giants, including high-performance computers, operating systems, database technologies, network switching technologies and information resource libraries.

Across the world, around 92.3 percent of personal computers and 80.4 percent of super computers use Intel chips, while 91.8 percent of personal computers use Microsoft operating systems, and 98 percent of core server technology lies in the hands of IBM and Hewlett-Packard.

Meanwhile, 89.7 percent of database software is controlled by Oracle and Microsoft, and 93.5 percent of core patented network switching technology is held by US companies.

After the control of Internet infrastructure and hardware and software systems, the US is now turning to Internet content.

The US government has adopted macro-control and focus-funding to actively use IT giants to create a global Internet infrastructure which could be manipulated by the US.

The US actively promotes the participation of IT giants in Internet content control work.

In May 2009, Microsoft announced on its website that they would turn off the Windows Live Messenger service for Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan and North Korea, in accordance with US legislation.

In January 2010, Google, the company which owns the largest Internet information resources, declared that in order to establish a more open Internet environment, they had to abandon the Chinese market.

What is even more worrying is that Senator Joseph Lieberman, chairman of US Homeland Security Committee, recently presented to the US Senate a bill titled "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset."

Under this proposal, whenever an emergency occurs in the US, the president could order Google, Yahoo and other search engine operators to suspend Internet services.

And other US-based Internet service providers could also be under the control of the president when "Internet security emergencies" occur.
If so, the US president would officially have the power to open or close the Internet.

Although there is no international law to regulate Internet sovereignty, the Internet is founded to benefit all mankind across the globe.

If the US, which invented and controls the Internet, cut off or shut down the Internet in the name of national security, it would certainly neglect and violate the interests and benefits of international netizens.

The author is a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council of China.


Muslim men in polygamous unions 'happier than their wives'

A quantitative survey has shown that Muslim men in polygamous unions are happier than their wives.

The survey showed that 97 pc of the men felt they were getting enough or more in term of tenderness and love after taking a second wife.

Some 42pc of first wives felt they were getting less intimacy, tenderness and love after their husbands married again.

"Men are the happiest and the least happy are the first wives," the star online quoted head researcher of the study Prof Norani Othman, as saying.

"Most men who practice polygamy say they married again because they do not want to indulge in sex out of wedlock,'' Othman added.

The study that was funded by Sisters in Islam, among others, looked at the impact of such marriages on the family institution including their effect on relationships, emotions and finances.

About 1,235 respondents were interviewed comprising husbands, first wives, second wives and children from both marriages in the peninsular.

The preliminary findings were released recently at a public forum at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

It is estimated that between 2.5 pc and 3 pc of all Muslim marriages are polygamous and the practice is more prevalent in the states of Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan.

The survey also revealed that polygamy had taken a financial toll on the

families of the first wives.

The preliminary findings were released recently at a public forum at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Source: newkerala

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lebanese intelligence discovers links between Mossad network and 9/11 false flag operatives

Ziad Jarrah, cousin of a Mossad Agent.

WMR has learned from its Lebanese intelligence sources that the Lebanese government is coming to realize that Israeli intelligence penetration of all political groups in the country is worse than originally believed.

Israel’s Mossad, once content on penetrating the Christian and Druze parties in the country, has now thoroughly infiltrated the top echelons of Sunni and Shi’a parties, as well. Recently, Lebanon charged retired General Fayez Karam, a senior member of retired General Michel Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement, which is allied with Hezbollah, with spying for Mossad.

Among the political parties penetrated by Israeli intelligence is the Future Movement of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the son of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who was assassinated by a car bomb in Beirut in 2005. The UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is expected very soon to charge Lebanon’s Hezbollah with the assassination. However, Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah recently announced the group had video evidence from Israeli drones that showed the Israeli Defense Force was tracking Hariri before his assassination.

The STL’s chief prosecutor, Daniel Bellemare of Canada, requested the evidence from Hezbollah. However, WMR has learned that Bellemare is suspected by Lebanese intelligence of having close previous contacts with agents of both the CIA and Mossad. WMR previously reported that Bellemare is suspected to have allowed and introduced into evidence against Hezbollah in the Hariri assassination, doctored cell phone intercepts pointing the “smoking gun” at Hezbollah. It is feared that Bellemare might give Hezbollah’s evidence to Mossad for the Israelis to determine the source of the leak of classified videos.

Mossad is also reported to be grooming a successor to the Lebanese Shi’a political leader Nabih Berri, currently the speaker of the Lebanese parliament. The Mossad operation is being actively supported behind the scenes by Saudi Arabia, a country that is fast becoming one of Israel’s most “open secret” allies in the Middle East.

According to WMR’s sources in Lebanon, one network that Israel and the United States can rely on to support the UN after the expected indictment of Hezbollah for Hariri’s assassination is a Sunni network in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. It includes a member of the same family as Ziad al-Jarrah, one of the alleged United flight 93 hijackers on September 11, 2001.

Lebanese intelligence has linked the Ziad al-Jarrah, who hailed from the Bekaa Valley, to a Saudi-supported Salafist network that includes “Al-Qaeda” associates that will be used to target Shi’as throughout Lebanon in the wake of the Bellemare charges against Hezbollah. Lebanese intelligence discovered that members of this same Mossad-supported Salafist/Al Qaeda network also targeted top Shi’a leaders in Iraq. WMR has learned that Ziad al-Jarrah was used by the Mossad, the CIA, and Saudi intelligence as a “patsy” in the 9/11 conspiracy, just as similar “patsies” are being used in Iraq and elsewhere to help keep the myth of “Al Qaeda” and Osama bin Laden alive.

The same Salafist/Al Qaeda network in Lebanon, while still in an embryonic stage, was used by Mossad and the CIA to spy on Palestinian groups in Lebanon during the 1980s and 90s, as well as on Syria during its occupation of Lebanon.

The Israeli espionage network also extends to Syria. Lebanese sources report that former Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam, who accused Syrian President Bashar al Assad of ordering Rafik Harir’s assassination, is tactically backed by Israel and the United States. Khaddam, who heads the exiled National Salvation Front (NSF), is seeking to overthrow Assad. The NSF not only receives support from Israeli and U.S. intelligence but also from the French and German intelligence. The NSF maintains offices in Brussels, Berlin, Paris, and Washington, DC and it is suspected of working behind the scenes with Bellemare to bring chargss against Hezbollah for the Hariri assassination. However, previous attempts to have Assad and pro-Syrian Lebanese generals indicted for the assassination fell through due to lack of any credible evidence.

Flashback: Mossad Link Found to One of Key 9-11 Hijackers

A NEW ISRAELI CONNECTION to the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001 has recently been unveiled. Buried in a New York Times story on Feb. 19 was the eye-opening revelation that a Lebanese Muslim Arab who has been taken into custody by the Lebanon—which has accused him of being a spy for some 25 years for Israeli intelligence—just happens to be a cousin of one of the Muslims alleged to have been one of the 9-11 hijackers.

Although Ali al-Jarrah was—publicly—an outspoken proponent of the Palestinian cause, it now turns out that he was actually working as a paid asset of the Mossad for more than two decades, betraying his own nation and conducting spying operations against Palestinian groups and the pro-Palestinian party Hezbollah.

The New York Times, reporting on the al-Jarrah affair, revealed this: “It is not the family’s first brush with notoriety. One of Mr. Jarrah’s cousins, Ziad al-Jarrah, was among the 19 hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.” The Times added that the men were 20 years apart in age and “do not appear to have known each other well.”

The gratuitous Times suggestion that the two cousins “do not appear to have known each other well” is intriguing, inasmuch as it is an admission that they did, in fact, know one another. And that could be very telling, for there are those who are now suggesting that the older cousin may indeed have recruited his younger cousin as an asset for Israeli intelligence.

The circumspect stance taken by the Times is no surprise, considering the fact that the Times is quite aware of the fact that there have been many sources—including American Free Press—which have alleged that the 9-11 conspiracy was infiltrated, if not controlled outright, by Israeli intelligence from the beginning.

If the younger al-Jarrah was indeed an Israeli asset inside the 9-11 conspiracy, this would not be the first time that a Muslim Arab was involved, acting as a Mossad agent, in an attack on the World Trade Center. As far back as August 3, 1993, investigative reporter Robert I. Friedman revealed in New York’s Village Voice that Ahmad Ajaj, a 27-year-old West Bank Palestinian held in federal custody for conspiracy in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, may have been a Mossad mole, according to Friedman’s sources.

Ajaj was arrested at Kennedy Airport on Sept. 1, 1992, after he arrived on a Pakistani International flight from Peshawar carrying a forged Swedish passport and bombmaking manuals. He was taken into custody, and subsequently pleaded guilty to entering the country illegally.

Ajaj’s traveling companion was Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, an Iraqi who law enforcement sources say was a “key player” in the first World Trade Center bombing.

And it should be noted that it was Ajaj who was the source of the famed “al Qaeda terrorist manual” that was widely touted by the FBI in the wake of the second World Trade Center attack in 2001. In addition, Ajaj’s colleague—Ramzi Yousef—is the nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohamad, whom the U.S. government has said was the “mastermind” of the 9-11 attacks.

In this regard, it is also important to point out that, for many years even prior to the first attack on the World Trade Center, there were many figures in Islamic circles who believed that Mohamad and Yousef were actually undercover assets for Israel.

Although the FBI identified Ajaj as a senior intifada terrorist, with links to Hamas (the Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist organization), Kol Ha’ir, a respected Hebrewlanguage weekly published in Jerusalem, said Ajaj was

never involved in intifada activities or with Hamas or even the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Instead, according to Kol Ha’ir, Ajaj was actually a petty crook arrested in 1988 for counterfeiting U.S. dollars out of a base in East Jerusalem. Ajaj was convicted of the counterfeiting charges and then sentenced to two-anda- half years in prison.

According to Friedman, writing in The Village Voice: “It was during his prison stay that Mossad, Israel’s CIA, apparently recruited him, say Israeli intelligence sources. By the time he was released after having served just one year, he had seemingly undergone a radical transformation.”

Friedman reported that Ajaj had suddenly become a devout Muslim and an outspoken hard-line nationalist. Then, Ajaj was arrested for smuggling weapons into the West Bank, supposedly for Fatah al-Islam, a faction of the PLO.

But Friedman says this was actually a sham. Friedman’s sources in Israeli intelligence say that the arrest and Ajaj’s subsequent deportation were “staged by Mossad to establish his credentials as an intifada activist. Mossad allegedly ‘tasked’ Ajaj to infiltrate radical Palestinian groups operating outside Israel and to report back to Tel Aviv.

Israeli intelligence sources say that it is not unusual for Mossad to recruit from the ranks of common criminals.”

After Ajaj’s “deportation” from Israel, he showed up in Pakistan, where he turned up in the company of the anti-Soviet mujahideen rebels in Afghanistan. (Incidentally, Andrew Allen, a wealthy San Francisco character who likes to take on assignments for the CIA to prevent boredom, admitted under oath “running” supplies into Afghanistan. He was also instrumental in destroying Librty Lobby and its newspaper, The Spotlight.)

This could indicate that Ajaj was working for the Mossad, for—according to Covert Action Information Bulletin (September 1987)—the funding and supply lines for the mujahideen were not only the “the second largest covert operation” in the CIA’s history, but they were also, according to former Mossad operative Victor Ostrovsky (writing in The Other Side of Deception), under the direct supervision of the Mossad. Ostrovsky wrote:

It was a complex pipeline, since a large portion of the mujahideen’s weapons were American-made and were supplied to the Muslim Brotherhood directly from Israel, using as carriers the Bedouin nomads who roamed the demilitarized zones in the Sinai. After Ajaj’s ventures with the mujahideen, he popped up in New York and purported to befriend members of a small so-called “radical” clique surrounding the blind Sheikh Abdel-Rahman, who was accused of being the mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing.

On Feb. 26, 1993, the actual day of the World Trade Center bombing, Ajaj was “safe” in federal prison serving a six-month sentence for entering the country on a forged passport. Later, he was indicted for conspiracy in the WTC bombing.

According to Robert Friedman, “If Ajaj was recruited by Mossad, it is not known whether he continued to work for the Israeli spy agency after he was deported. One possibility, of course, is that upon leaving Israel and meeting radical Muslims close to the blind Egyptian sheikh, his loyalties shifted.”

However, Friedman also reported another frightening possibility: “Another scenario is that he had advance knowledge of the World Trade Center bombing, which he shared with Mossad, and that Mossad, for whatever reason, kept the secret to itself. If true, U.S. intelligence sources speculate that Mossad might have decided to keep the information closely guarded so as not to compromise its undercover agent.”
Source: musliminsuffer.wordpress

DNA tests reveal ‘Hitler was descended from the Jews and Africans he hated’

Revealing: The DNA tests on relatives of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler show he was probably descended from Jewish people and North Africans

Adolf Hitler is likely to have been descended from both Jews and Africans, according to DNA tests.

Samples taken from relatives of the Nazi leader show that he is biologically linked to the ‘sub-human’ races he sought to exterminate.

Journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren used DNA to track down 39 of the Fuhrer’s relatives earlier this year.

They included an Austrian farmer revealed only as a cousin called Norbert H.

A Belgian news magazine has reported that samples of saliva taken from these people strongly suggest Hitler had antecedents he certainly would not have cared for.

A chromosome called Haplopgroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) in their samples is rare in Germany and indeed Western Europe.

‘It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,’ Mr Vermeeren said.

‘One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised,’ adds Mr Mulders in the magazine, Knack.

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

‘This is a surprising result,’ said Ronny Decorte, a genetic specialist who agreed that Hitler probably did have some roots in North Africa.
Roots: Hitler’s DNA was found to contain Haplogroup E1b1b, commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco (left) – and also accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of the Y-chromosomes of Sephardic Jews (right) who hail from Morocco, Spain and Portugal)

‘It is difficult to predict, what happens with this information, both to opponents and supporters of Hitler,’ he added.

The magazine says the DNA was tested under stringent laboratory conditions to obtain the results.

It is not the first time that historians have suggested Hitler had Jewish ancestry.

His father, Alois, is thought to have been the illegitimate offspring of a maid called Maria Schickelgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish man called Frankenberger.

This would have made the man who inspired the Holocaust one-quarter Jewish.
Hidden secrets: The Waldviertel region in Austria where Hitler’s cousin, farmer Norbert H, was found

Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in Poland where Hitler’s extermination programme of the Jews was carried out
DNA on a serviette was taken from Alexander Stuart-Houston (now aged 61), a grand-nephew of Hitler

Reports have suggested that Hitler’s nephew, Patrick, tried to blackmail his uncle over the issue of Alois Hitler’s parentage. Hitler asked his lawyer, Hans Frank, to investigate the claims and he announced just before the outbreak of the Second World War that they were ‘without any foundation’.

‘Hitler would not have been pleased about this,’ added Mr Decorte, of the Catholic University of Leuven.

‘The affair is fascinating if one compares it with the conception of the world of the Nazis, in which race and blood was central.

‘Hitler’s concern over his descent was not unjustified. He was apparently not “pure” or “Ayran”.’

DNA was also taken from American Alexander Stuart-Houston, 61, a grand-nephew of Hitler.

He was trailed for seven days before he dropped a used serviette which Mulders said led him to the cousin in Austria - and the link with Hitler’s sworn enemies.

Source: www.dailymail.co.uk

احمدی‌نژاد چه سریال‌هایی تماشا می‌کند

محمود احمدی‌نژاد، رئیس جمهوری در پاسخ به پرسش‌های خبرنگار برنامه خانواده شبکه اول سیما گفت: فرصت می‌کنم در کنار خانواده برخی سریال‌ها را ببینم.

به گزارش روزنامه «خبر»، وی گفت: بیشتر قسمت‌های سریال «فاصله‌ها» را در کنار خانواده دیدم؛ سریال خوبی بود. اما سریال «زیر هشت» را خیلی کم دیدم، چون دیر به خانه می‌رسیدم.

رئیس جمهوری درباره مجموعه‌های مناسبتی ماه مبارک رمضان نیز گفت: در ماه رمضان فرصت نکرده‌ام سریال‌های مناسبتی این ماه را ببینم، اما برنامه‌های سحری ماه مبارک را نگاه می‌کنم.
منبع: تابناک

Monday, August 23, 2010

Al-Qaeda Terrorists freed two Spanish hostages in Mali

MADRID: Two Spanish nationals held hostage by Al-Qaeda’s North African branch since November have been freed and are on their way to the Mali-Burkina Faso border, Spanish media reported Monday.

Madrid declined to confirm the report, but a government source told El Pais daily that an official announcement would be made once the two aid workers Albert Vilalta, 35, and Roque Pascual, 50, were in a safe place.

“We are working for a happy conclusion of this case but the release has not yet taken place and therefore we ask all media to act carefully and responsibly,” a government official told AFP on Sunday, shortly after the release was first reported.
The charity the men work for, Accio Solidaria, said on Monday morning they were waiting for official confirmation.

“We hope that during the course of the morning this bit of news will turn out to be positive,” the aid groups head Francesc Osan told Spanish radio RNE.

Pascual and Vilalta were freed on Sunday around midday and were to be taken aboard all-terrain vehicles along with Burkina Faso presidential mediator and advisor Mustafa Chafi, El Pais said.

Earlier this month a Malian official said a radical cell of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), which has executed two Western hostages, was threatening the lives of the two Spaniards, who are held by another branch of AQIM.

But Accio Solidaria said at the time the families had seen proof that the two were still alive and that negotiations for their release were continuing.

They were among three Accio Solidaria workers kidnapped in Mauritania last November and handed over to AQIM, the North African branch of Osama bin Ladens terror network, in exchange for payment.

Source: Dawn

مهين شهابي درگذشت

مهين شهابي بازيگر پيشكسوت تلويزيون و سينما كه بهار امسال به دليل تومور مغزي در بيمارستان پارس تهران بستري شده بود و پس از آن مدت‌ها به كما رفته بود، دارفاني را وداع گفت.
«آرزو شهابي» فرزند اين بازيگر با اشاره به اين كه مادرش ساعت 6 صبح امروز از دنيا رفته است به فارس گفت: هنوز زمان و چگونگي برپايي مراسم تشييع و خاكسپاري وي مشخص نشده است.
مهين شهابي متولد سال 1315 در شهر تهران است و دوره بازيگري را سال 1339 در هنركده آناهيتا سپري كرده است.
او فعاليت خود در راديو را از سال 1337 آغاز كرد و شروع فعاليتش در تلويزيون نيز در سال 1339است.
شروع فعاليت سينمايي او در فيلم «ماجراي جنگل» به عنوان بازيگر در سال 1339 بود و حضور در فيلم «گاو» نيز از جمله فعاليت‌هاي سينمايي او است.
مجموعه تلويزيوني «آينه» يكي از محبوب‌ترين سريال‌هاي دهه 60 سيما است كه با حضور مهين شهابي ساخته شد.
«ترانه مادري» از آخرين كارهاي مهين شهابي است.
شهابي قبل از بستري شدن در بيمارستان، مشغول بازي در مجموعه تلويزيوني «وضعيت سفيد» به تهيه‌كنندگي محمدرضا شفيعي و كارگرداني حميد نعمت‌الله بود اما به دليل ضايعه مغزي از اين نقش كناره‌گيري كرد.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

US general: Men in burqas hide in east Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — Male insurgents are hiding among villagers in eastern Afghanistan dressed in burqas in an attempt to avoid detection, the US regional military commander said Wednesday.

Major General John Campbell, in charge of a large area of eastern Afghanistan that includes Kabul, said the new tactics there follow the first use of a female suicide bomber in the country.

Male insurgents dressed in women's all-cover burqa dresses have struck in southern Afghanistan -- including a failed suicide attack in March -- but never in the east.

"One of the tactics that has changed over the years is that you now see men dressed up in burqas going through villages, something that we had not seen in years past," Campbell told reporters at the Pentagon via satellite from Afghanistan.

US and NATO forces typically overlook women in their hunt for insurgents, but that is likely to change following a June 22 attack by a female suicide bomber against a US-Afghan army patrol in the eastern Kunar province. The attack killed 10 US soldiers.

The Taliban claimed credit for the attack, saying in a statement that it was carried out by an Afghan woman named "Halima."

There have been some 450 suicide attacks in Afghanistan over the last nine years, Campbell said, but this was the first involving a female suicide bomber.

Campbell is in charge of Regional Command East, an area of 14 provinces surrounding Kabul that has a 450 kilometer (280 mile) long border with Pakistan.

In the first half of 2010 the number of attacks in his region "has risen about 12 percent," Campbell said, adding that US and NATO forces are bracing for more.

"We expect and we know that we're going to have a tough summer. The insurgents will not allow us to bring in additional forces without making a statement themselves."

Source: AFP

Friday, August 20, 2010

Unusual German Street Performer

Berlin street performer Johan Lorbeer has an unusual approach to street performance. Just by "hanging out" on the side of a building, thousands of locals and tourists marvel as they walk by. He calls the performance "Still Life."